Hướng dẫn nâng cấp Flash trên dòng router Cisco ISR 4000
Để nâng cấp bộ nhớ Flash (Flash memory card) trên router Cisco ISR4000, chúng ta thực hiện theo các bước sau:
1. Lưu file start-up và running configuration vào 1 USB.
2. Lưu lại file license Permanent đã được cài đặt trên router
3. Lắp đặt thẻ nhớ Flash mới, và copy hệ điều hành (IOS) từ USB vào bootflash mới.
Các bước thực hiện chi tiết:
Lưu file start-up và running configuration và 1 USB
Router# copy startup-config usb0:startup-config.cfg
Destination filename [startup-config.cfg]?
1469 bytes copied in 0.310 secs (4739 bytes/sec)
Router# copy running-config usb0:running-config.cfg
Destination filename [running-config.cfg]?
1462 bytes copied in 0.363 secs (4028 bytes/sec)
Lưu lại file License
Router# license save usb0:license-saved.lic
license lines saved ..... to usb0:license-saved.lic
Lắp đặt thẻ nhớ Flash mới
Bước 1. Tắt nguồn thiết bị trước khi lắp đặt bất kì 1 module nào.
Bước 2. Tháo vỏ khung.
Bước 3. Gắn thẻ nhớ Flash vào vào đầu nối thẻ nhớ trên main.
Bước 4. Vặn vít đi kèm để cố định thẻ nhớ Flash vào đúng vị trí.
Bước 5. Lắp lại vỏ khung.
Bước 6. Bật nguồn thiết bị.
Bước 7. Khởi động lại Router bằng IOS từ USB
Lưu ý: Sau khi thẻ nhớ flash mới được cài đặt, nó sẽ ưu tiên hơn so với flash mặc định. Nội dung của thẻ nhớ flash mới trống, do đó, bộ định tuyến sẽ phải được khởi động đầu tiên từ bộ nhớ flash USB bên ngoài.
Bước 8. Copy IOS mong muốn từ thẻ nhớ flash USB bên ngoài vào bootflash bằng lệnh copy usb0: imagename bootflash.
Bước 9. Sau khi sao chép tệp, thực hiện lệnh dir bootflash: để đảm bảo rằng IOS Cisco được sao chép. Lệnh này cũng có thể được sử dụng để xác minh kích thước của bộ nhớ flash đã cài đặt.
Bước 10. Khởi động lại Router từ thẻ nhớ Flash mới.
rommon 1 > b bootflash:
rommon 1 > b bootflash:imagename.bin
Bước 11. Sau khi hệ thống khởi động xong, thực hiện lệnh show version để chắc chắn rằng file IOS mới được boot từ bootflash.
Bước 12. Chuyển toàn bộ file cấu hình và license đã được cài đặt trước đó trên thẻ nhớ flash cũ sang thẻ nhớ flash mới.
Ví Dụ:
rommon 1 > b usb0:isr4300-universalk9.03.13.03.S.154-3.S3-ext.SPA.bin
Located isr4300-universalk9.03.13.03.S.154-3.S3-ext.SPA.bin, start cluster is 362
Image loaded
Boot image size = 420064132 (0x1909ab84) bytes
Package header rev 1 structure detected
Calculating SHA-1 hash...done
validate_package: SHA-1 hash:
calculated 5a14a524:a6156a42:431693db:3aa55699:06bfa964
expected 5a14a524:a6156a42:431693db:3aa55699:06bfa964
RSA Signed RELEASE Image Signature Verification Successful.
Package Load Test Latency : 7699 msec
Image validated
%IOSXEBOOT-4-BOOT_SRC: (rp/0): mounting /boot/super.iso to /tmp/sw/isos
Restricted Rights Legend
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights clause at FAR sec. 52.227-19 and subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer
Software clause at DFARS sec. 252.227-7013.
cisco Systems, Inc.
170 West Tasman Drive
San Jose, California 95134-1706
Cisco IOS Software, ISR Software (X86_64_LINUX_IOSD-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.4(3)S3, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
Copyright (c) 1986-2015 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Thu 28-May-15 15:58 by mcpre
Cisco IOS-XE software, Copyright (c) 2005-2015 by cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Certain components of Cisco IOS-XE software are licensed under the GNU General Public License ("GPL") Version 2.0. The software code licensed under GPL Version 2.0 is free software that comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You can redistribute and/or modify such
GPL code under the terms of GPL Version 2.0. For more details, see the documentation or "License Notice" file accompanying the IOS-XE software,or the applicable URL provided on the flyer accompanying the IOS-XE software.
% failed to initialize nvram
This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply third-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption.
Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible for compliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product you agree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unable to comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately.
A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at:
If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email to export@cisco.com.
cisco ISR4331/K9 (1RU) processor with 1687301K/6147K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID FDO1915A011
32768K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
4194304K bytes of physical memory.
14888959K bytes of flash memory at bootflash:.
1014785K bytes of USB flash at usb0:.
--- System Configuration Dialog ---
Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? [yes/no]: n
Press RETURN to get started!
*Jun 4 23:41:27.869: %SMART_LIC-6-AGENT_READY: Smart Agent for Licensing is initialized
*Jun 4 23:41:28.909: %IOS_LICENSE_IMAGE_APPLICATION-6-LICENSE_LEVEL: Module name = esg Next reboot level = ipbasek9 and License = No valid license found
*Jun 4 23:41:28.972: %ESG_THROUGHPUT-6-LEVEL: Throughput level has been set to 100000 kbps
*Jun 4 23:41:29.948: %IOSXE_RP_NV-3-NV_ACCESS_FAIL: Initial read of NVRAM contents failed
*Jun 4 23:41:35.851: pak_debug_init: Successfully initialized pak debug trace buffer
*Jun 4 23:41:37.799: adsl_ifmib_init
*Jun 4 23:41:37.844: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Lsmpi0, changed state to up
*Jun 4 23:41:37.844: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface EOBC0, changed state to up
*Jun 4 23:41:37.845: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet0, changed state to down
*Jun 4 23:41:37.853: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface LIIN0, changed state to up
*Jun 4 23:41:39.091: %IOSXE_MGMTVRF-6-CREATE_SUCCESS_INFO: Management vrf Mgmt-intf created with ID 1, ipv4 table-id 0x1, ipv6 table-id 0x1E000001
*Jun 4 23:41:39.143: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Lsmpi0, changed state to up
*Jun 4 23:41:39.143: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface EOBC0, changed state to up
*Jun 4 23:41:39.143: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet0, changed state to down
*Jun 4 23:41:39.144: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface LIIN0, changed state to up
*Jun 4 23:41:25.027: %EVUTIL-6-PREREQUISITE: SIP0: cmcc: Preferred library is absent
*Jun 4 23:41:25.028: %EVUTIL-6-PREREQUISITE: SIP0: cmcc: Preferred library is absent
*Jun 4 23:41:31.098: %CMLIB-6-THROUGHPUT_VALUE: SIP1: cmand: Throughput license found, throughput set to 100000 kbps
*Jun 4 23:41:32.339: %CPPHA-7-START: SIP1: cpp_ha: CPP 0 preparing ucode
*Jun 4 23:41:32.585: %CPPHA-7-START: SIP1: cpp_ha: CPP 0 startup init
*Jun 4 23:41:32.798: %CPPHA-7-START: SIP1: cpp_ha: CPP 0 running init
*Jun 4 23:41:34.439: %CPPHA-7-READY: SIP1: cpp_ha: CPP 0 loading and initialization complete
*Jun 4 23:41:34.817: %IOSXE-6-PLATFORM: SIP1: cpp_cp: Process CPP_PFILTER_EA_EVENT__API_CALL__REGISTER
*Jun 4 23:42:15.103: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface GigabitEthernet0, changed state to administratively down
*Jun 4 23:42:19.474: %IOSXE_OIR-6-REMSPA: SPA removed from subslot 0/0, interfaces disabled
*Jun 4 23:42:19.475: %SPA_OIR-6-OFFLINECARD: SPA (ISR4331-3x1GE) offline in subslot 0/0
*Jun 4 23:42:19.479: %IOSXE_OIR-6-INSCARD: Card (fp) inserted in slot F0
*Jun 4 23:42:19.479: %IOSXE_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: Card (fp) online in slot F0
*Jun 4 23:42:19.480: %IOSXE_OIR-6-INSCARD: Card (cc) inserted in slot 0
*Jun 4 23:42:19.480: %IOSXE_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: Card (cc) online in slot 0
*Jun 4 23:42:19.482: %IOSXE_OIR-6-INSCARD: Card (cc) inserted in slot 1
*Jun 4 23:42:19.482: %IOSXE_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: Card (cc) online in slot 1
*Jun 4 23:42:19.536: %IOSXE_OIR-6-INSSPA: SPA inserted in subslot 0/0
*Jun 4 23:42:19.580: %SYS-5-RESTART: System restarted --
Cisco IOS Software, ISR Software (X86_64_LINUX_IOSD-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.4(3)S3, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
Copyright (c) 1986-2015 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Thu 28-May-15 15:58 by mcpre
*Jun 4 23:42:19.577: %SPA-3-ENVMON_NOT_MONITORED: SIP1: iomd: Environmental monitoring is not enabled for ISR4331-3x1GE[0/0]
*Jun 4 23:42:21.593: new extended attributes received from iomd(slot 0 bay 0 board 0)
*Jun 4 23:42:21.694: %SPA_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: SPA (ISR4331-3x1GE) online in subslot 0/0
*Jun 4 23:42:21.695: %IOSXE_OIR-6-SOFT_RELOADSPA: SPA(ISR4331-3x1GE) reloaded on subslot 0/0
*Jun 4 23:42:21.696: %SPA_OIR-6-OFFLINECARD: SPA (ISR4331-3x1GE) offline in subslot 0/0
*Jun 4 23:42:22.041: %SYS-6-BOOTTIME: Time taken to reboot after reload = 21551 seconds
*Jun 4 23:42:27.587: %SPA-3-ENVMON_NOT_MONITORED: SIP1: iomd: Environmental monitoring is not enabled for ISR4331-3x1GE[0/0]
*Jun 4 23:42:30.693: %SPA_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: SPA (ISR4331-3x1GE) online in subslot 0/0
Sau khi khởi động xong, chúng ta dùng lệnh show version
Router# show version
Cisco IOS XE Software, Version 03.13.03.S - Extended Support Release
Cisco IOS Software, ISR Software (X86_64_LINUX_IOSD-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.4(3)S3, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
Copyright (c) 1986-2015 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Thu 28-May-15 15:58 by mcpre
Router uptime is 1 minute
Uptime for this control processor is 2 minutes
System returned to ROM by reload
System image file is "usb0:isr4300-universalk9.03.13.03.S.154-3.S3-ext.SPA.bin"
Last reload reason: Reload Command
If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email to
Technology Package License Information:
Technology Technology-package Technology-package
Current Type Next reboot
appx None None None
uc None None None
security None None None
ipbase ipbasek9 None ipbasek9
cisco ISR4331/K9 (1RU) processor with 1687301K/6147K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID FDO1915A011
3 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
32768K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
4194304K bytes of physical memory.
14888959K bytes of flash memory at bootflash:.
1014785K bytes of USB flash at usb0:.
Configuration register is 0x0
Dùng lệnh dir bootflash: để kiểm tra IOS trong thẻ nhớ flash mới.
Router# dir bootflash:
Directory of bootflash:/
11 drwx 16384 Jun 4 2015 23:42:53 +00:00 lost+found
1144641 drwx 4096 Jun 4 2015 23:43:32 +00:00 .prst_sync
15006666752 bytes total (14244331520 bytes free)
If the files are not in the bootflash, copy the desired image from the external USB flash to the bootflash using the copy usb0:imagename bootflash command.
Router# copy usb0: bootflash:
Source filename []? isr4300-universalk9.03.13.03.S.154-3.S3-ext.SPA.bin
Destination filename [isr4300-universalk9.03.13.03.S.154-3.S3-ext.SPA.bin]?
420064132 bytes copied in 51.000 secs (8236552 bytes/sec)
Router# dir bootflash:
Directory of bootflash:/
11 drwx 16384 Jun 4 2015 23:42:53 +00:00 lost+found
1144641 drwx 4096 Jun 4 2015 23:43:32 +00:00 .prst_sync
12 -rw- 420064132 Jun 4 2015 23:45:05 +00:00 isr4300-universalk9.03.13.03.S.154-3.S3-ext.SPA.bin
15006666752 bytes total (13823848448 bytes free)
Reload the router.
Router# reload
Proceed with reload? [confirm]
*Jun 4 23:45:43.848: %SYS-5-RELOAD: Reload requested by console. Reload Reason: Reload Command.Jun 4 23:45:57.691 R0/0: %PMAN-5-EXITACTION: Process manager is exiting: process exit with reload chassis code
Initializing Hardware ...
System integrity status: 00000610
Rom image verified correctly
System Bootstrap, Version 15.4(3r)S3, RELEASE SOFTWARE
Copyright (c) 1994-2014 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Current image running: Boot ROM0
Last reset cause: LocalSoft
Cisco ISR4331/K9 platform with 4194304 Kbytes of main memory
rommon 1 > dir bootflash:
File System: EXT2/EXT3
11 16384 drwx------ lost+found
1144641 4096 drwxrwxrwx .prst_sync
12 420064132 -rw-r--r-- isr4300-universalk9.03.13.03.S.154-3.S3-ext.SPA.bin
Truy xuất file cấu hình, license và khởi động lại Router.
Router# license install bootflash:license-saved.lic
Installing licenses from "bootflash:license-saved.lic"
4/4 licenses were successfully installed
0/4 licenses were existing licenses
0/4 licenses were failed to install
*Jun 8 21:13:57.827: %IOS_LICENSE_IMAGE_APPLICATION-6-LICENSE_LEVEL: Module name = esg Next reboot level = appxk9 and License = appxk9
*Jun 8 21:13:57.924: %IOS_LICENSE_IMAGE_APPLICATION-6-LICENSE_LEVEL: Module name = esg Next reboot level = securityk9 and License = securityk9
*Jun 8 21:13:57.926: %LICENSE-6-INSTALL: Feature appxk9 1.0 was installed in this device. UDI=ISR4331/K9:FDO1913151A; StoreIndex=1:Primary License Storage
*Jun 8 21:13:57.934: %IOS_LICENSE_IMAGE_APPLICATION-6-LICENSE_LEVEL: Module name = esg Next reboot level = uck9 and License = uck9
*Jun 8 21:13:58.123: %LICENSE-6-INSTALL: Feature ipbasek9 1.0 was installed in this device. UDI=ISR4331/K9:FDO1913151A; StoreIndex=2:Primary License Storage
*Jun 8 21:13:58.349: %LICENSE-6-INSTALL: Feature securityk9 1.0 was installed in this device. UDI=ISR4331/K9:FDO1913151A; StoreIndex=3:Primary License Storage
*Jun 8 21:13:58.667: %LICENSE-6-INSTALL: Feature uck9 1.0 was installed in this device. UDI=ISR4331/K9:FDO1913151A; StoreIndex=4:Primary License Storage
Router# copy usb0:startup-config.cfg startup-config
Destination filename [startup-config]?
1469 bytes copied in 1.769 secs (830 bytes/sec)
Router# copy usb0:runing-config.cfg running-config
Destination filename [running-config]?
A system RELOAD is required before templating state change
1469 bytes copied in 0.153 secs (9601 bytes/sec)
Sau khi Router khởi động lại xong ta tiến hàng xác minh lại hệ thống.
Router# show license
Index 1 Feature: appxk9
Period left: Life time
License Type: Permanent
License State: Active, Not in Use
License Count: Non-Counted
License Priority: Medium
Index 2 Feature: uck9
Period left: Life time
License Type: Permanent
License State: Active, Not in Use
License Count: Non-Counted
License Priority: Medium
Index 3 Feature: securityk9
Period left: Life time
License Type: Permanent
License State: Active, Not in Use
License Count: Non-Counted
License Priority: Medium
Index 4 Feature: ipbasek9
Period left: Life time
License Type: Permanent
License State: Active, In Use
License Count: Non-Counted
License Priority: Medium
Index 5 Feature: cme-srst
Period left: Not Activated
Period Used: 0 minute 0 second
License Type: EvalRightToUse
License State: Active, Not in Use, EULA not accepted
License Count: 0/0 (In-use/Violation)
License Priority: None
Index 6 Feature: hseck9
Index 7 Feature: throughput
Period left: Not Activated
Period Used: 0 minute 0 second
License Type: EvalRightToUse
License State: Active, Not in Use, EULA not accepted
License Count: Non-Counted
License Priority: None
Index 8 Feature: internal_service